sabato 3 agosto 2019

GLOG Class: The Doppelgänger

So, there’s a GLOG Cursed Challenge and I’m taking part in it, apparently.
Without further ado, feast your eyes on the product of my crumbling immagination.

Sometimes, when someone cheats death against all odds or tampers with extradimensional powers, a Doppelganger is born.
The Doppelganger is never too far from you, but never within reach. You see them out of the corner of your eye. You feel them whispering words full of hatred in the night, while you’re about to fall asleep. It is not real, not entirely, not yet.

Once you're cursed, you can't gain templates in anything else. If you gain a Doppelganger template without any slots left, remove a non-Doppelganger template.
The Doppelganger levels up with you and gains template in the class you had chosen at Lv1. (i.e. if you were a Lv1 Figther before being cursed and now you’re Lv1 Fighter/Lv2 Cursed, your Doppelganger is a Lv3 Fighter).
Treat the Doppelganger starting ability scores as if they were all 10.

Hate points represent the Doppelganger's anger in knowing you're still there. Add Hate Points to Tip the Scales rolls. Hate Points are permanent.

A: Balance the Scales, Tip the Scales
B: Cosmic Balance, +1 Hate Point
C: Been There, Done That, Eat the Future
D: Convergence, +1 Hate Point

Balance the Scales
Every time you level up, reroll a random Ability Score and keep the new result. If the new result is higher than your previous one, you gain 1 Hate Point. The score that’s left goes to the Doppelganger.
Tip the Scales

Up to [template] times a day, you can ask your Doppelganger for help, as long as it is narratively plausible. If you could’ve done it, they can do it. You can make them fight for you but they disappear as soon as they take damage. If you two can sense each other while they’re manifesting into reality (not only seeing but hearing as well, for example), take 1d6 damage as the universe grinds its teeth.
The Doppelganger manifests itself as a blurred out version of you, as if seen through ground glass, slipping out of shadows and cracks in the wall as if they were made of silk. Every time you ask the Doppelganger for help, you have to give them something of yours. Roll 1d4, stepped up (max 1d8) for each time you used this ability after the first one and add any Hate Point you might have acquired to the result. The die resets after a full night’s sleep.
1-2: your near future. You have disadvantage to your next roll.
3-4: your talent. Lose 1d4 points in a Stat of your choiche.
5-6: your past. Lose a spell, an ability, a relevant memory, an important item of your choiche. If you can’t or won’t do it, gain 1 Hate Point.
7-8: your voice. If you already gave this up, roll again.
8: your name: you fade from other's memories unless you're not in their direct sight. If you already gave this up, roll again with disadvantage.
9+: your very life force. Lose half of your max HP.

Cosmic balance
The Universe is trying to make ends meet. You have a disadvantage on all rolls where you risk death or serious injuries.

Been there, done that 
Once per template, rewrite reality by sacrificing an alternate version of you. Arrows flying straight to your heart hit the wall behind you, the collapsed ceiling spares the exact spot where you are standing. Reduce your max HP by 1 and gain 1 Hate Point.

Eat the future
The Doppelganger feeds on potential. Every time you kill someone who had a great future ahead of them or destroy something that could’ve affected many people's lives (a holy relic, a work of art), get back one thing of your choiche that you had given to the Doppelganger.
Every potion you drink, every wound you suffer, every spell cast on you, every effect (beneficial and evil) has a 50% chance of influencing your Doppelganger instead of you. Yes, drinking poison and crossing your fingers is an acceptable strategy.

The Cure 
As soon as the Doppelganger becomes a real living being, they can be killed. Alternatively, forsake yourself. Abandon your gear, erase your memories, dissolve your face with acid. Do the opposite of what you’ve been doing up to now. 

The Showdown
These are the 3 ways in which the Doppelganger can manifest themselves into our world:
-once you reach level 4
-after you’ve used Tip the Scales at least 4x [your current number of templates] times (resets each time you level up)
-After 3x [the number of templates you had when the Doppelganger was born] months

As soon as they’re fully real, the Doppelganger starts to stalk you. They have all their class abilities, plus one extra ability, at GM’s discretion, for each Hate Point earned so far (up to 4).
You feel their awakening.
They will attack you face to face only if forced to. First, they will try to charm, bribe or coerce your allies. They’ll make allies on their own. They will committ crimes, laying the blame on you.
If you defeat your Doppelganger, you gain all their regular class abilities up to Template 4 (as if you were never cursed) plus one random ability, chosen from the extra ones.
If you lose, you become the Doppelganger. You’ve always been the Doppelganger. Work with the GM to come up with a suitable nefarious goal for your new character.

2 commenti:

  1. This could make for an interesting "game within a game" - not only is the PC trying to survive the trials and tribulations of being an adventurer, they also have to escape this.

    1. I believe the trick here is to first introduce the Doppelganger as a mischievous, but not outright dangeous ,helper. The situation should get creepier step by step.
